Unsere Einblicke in ein exklusives Apple-Event während der Frankfurter Buchmesse…
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016 – Unser Rückblick!
Nach wochenlangen Vorbereitungen und langen Arbeitstagen hieß es endlich: Auf nach Frankfurt! Die Buchmesse beginnt! So machten sich bereits am Dienstag die ersten neobooks-Teammitglieder auf zu de…
Green Mamba – Schatten des Todes
Green Mamba Cover-Feedback
Liebe Leser!
Wir haben erste Entwürfe für das Cover zu unserem neuen Roman GREEN MAMBA bekommen. Unsere Frage an Euch: Was sind Eure Eindrücke? Welcher Entwurf gefällt Euch und warum? Welcher sagt Euch weniger zu, und woran liegt das?
Unter allen, die mitmachen, werden wir drei Exemplare von GREEN MAMBA (als eBook) verlosen.
Wir sind sehr gespannt auf Eure Rückmeldungen!
Coverdesign by SEELstyle
Photographien by Seelhammer Photographie
INFORMIUM rank #250 in ALL CRIME/THRILLER books on amazon
The German edition of INFORMIUM is now ranked Nr. 250 in ALL Crime Fiction/Thriller books sold on amazon.de. Besides, it’s now safely within the top 1000 of paid all kindle-eBooks!
GREEN MAMBA: a glimpse into the writing process
The further we get in the writing process of GREEN MAMBA, the more sticky notes crowd on our timeline; they mark places that require deeper discussion and additions that only become apparent during writing, as well as important plot link-ups that mustn’t be forgotten later on.
It’s easy to see that the chronology here is even more tightly packed than INFORMIUM’s, which is not helping matters…

Re-Launch Bargain: Get INFORMIUM for FREE!
On the occasion of INFORMIUM changing publishers:
re-release FIVE-DAY DEAL over the upcoming weekend.
Only now, and just this once! Grab your chance to get a free copy of INFORMIUM at amazon.com (or at amazon.de) from Wednesday, May 28, to Sunday, May 29.
***** Review
The first of our readers participating in the INFORMIUM reading group at lovelybooks.de, Galladan, has uploaded her review. The bottom line (literally): „Must-read. More of this! No, more of this fast.“
Read the full (German) review here on lovelybooks.de.
Research, the fun way…
For the upcoming Hauptmann Keller-novel, GREEN MAMBA, it became necessary to do some rather… extraordinary research. Extraordinary for where we live, anyway. US readers will probably find this far less strange than European, and especially German, ones. Nonetheless, never having handled a gun in my (Dana’s) life, this was certainly a highly educational experience.

Cover updates!
In view of the extraordinary praise INFORMIUM received from the editorial staff at neobooks.com it was time for updating the covers of the American as well as the German edition. Click for high-resolution images.